


  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山东省 青岛 李沧区 九水路街道 侯家庄社区 延川路116号
  • 姓名: 耿老师
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:商务服务 中介服务
  • 发布日期:2019-07-08
  • 阅读量:169
  • 价格:1.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东青岛李沧区九水路街道侯家庄社区  
  • 关键词:英国留学


    高等教育文凭证书(Diploma in Higher Education)和高等文凭证书(Higher Diploma),英国在一些学院和高等教育学校开设两年制或三年制的**课程。两年制课程完成后,学生考试合格,可获取高等教育文凭证书(Diploma in Higher Education),学生毕业后,如果申请本科生课程,其两年制所学课程有可能被录取大学认可。三年制课程主要为工业界培养职业学生,学生毕业后,可获得高等文凭证书(Higher Diploma)。
    Twenty-six per cent of Access to Higher Education students left university with a First class degree last year, despite many of them having left school without the qualifications they needed to enter higher education.
    The 2017-18 Access to Higher Education (HE) statistics, published today, show that: 37,045 students registered to study for an Access Diploma 23,295 Access students were offered places to start university in September 2018 25.6% of Access students graduating university in 2018 achieved a First, compared with the UK average of 26.4% 50% of Access to HE registrations were to health courses 34% of Access students (over 8,000) entered HE to study nursing.
    2017 - 18接受高等教育(他)统计,今天发表,表明:37045名学生注册学习一个访问文凭23295访问学生提供地方开始大学2018年9月2018年25.6%的访问学生毕业大学取得了**,相比之下,英国26.4%的平均水平50%的访问他注册健康课程34%的访问学生(**过8000)进入他学习护理。
    'A student entering university through the Access to HE route is more than twice as likely as a student entering with other qualifications to be over 25 and from a disadvantaged background,' says Julie Mizon, who manages the Access programme for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).
    英国高等教育质量**机构(QAA)入学项目负责人朱莉·麦克森(Julie Mizon)说:“通过高等教育入学途径进入大学的学生年龄**过25岁、来自贫困家庭的可能性是其他途径的学生的两倍多。”
    They are also 50% more likely to have a disability or mental health condition and are three times more likely to be black than students entering from other routes.
    This shows the importance of Access in helping widen participation into higher education.
    'In addition, Access students demonstrate the learning gain that can be achieved through grit, determination and a commitment to succeed, matching the average university student almost grade for grade.
    ' Today's report shows that 50% of Access to Higher Education registrations in 2017-18 were to health courses, with more than a third of Access university entrants choosing to study for a Nursing degree.
    More than three-quarters of Access students going on to higher education studied close to home, with north east and north west figures for attending a local institution particularly high at 90% and 84% respectively.
    'Access to Higher Education was designed as a flexible course with its roots in the local education and industrial community,' says Julie Mizon.
    Julie Mizon说:“接受高等教育被设计成一门灵活的课程,它植根于当地的教育和工业社区。”
    'That was its foundation when it launched 40 years ago, and it's just as relevant today.
    We're working closely with the Access Validating Agencies that design the courses to make sure we're increasing provision in the areas with a projected skills shortage.
    'We want next year's Access students to be qualified and ready four or five years from now to work in the areas where they are most needed, such as IT, teaching and nursing and maternity services.'

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